Vegan Baby Bella Veggie Fajitas

bell peppers fajitas mushrooms vegan mexican food Mar 14, 2024
Vegan Baby Bella Veggie Fajitas

Vegan Baby Bella Veggie Fajitas
Serves 4
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
FODMAP: medium

Add any vegetables you like to these delicious fajitas---asparagus, zucchini, steamed sweet potato or carrots--almost anything goes.

1 red onion
2 bell peppers (preferably 2 different colors)
8 oz mushrooms, preferably baby bella or eggplant
1 tsp each garlic powder, oregano, smoked paprika, cumin and chili powder
juice of 1 lime
¼ tsp liquid smoke (optional)
8 corn or flour tortillas
1 can fat-free refried beans
1 cup salsa
any other toppings you like: avocados, cilantro, hot sauce, pickled jalapenos, salsa

1.Sauté peppers and onion in a hot skillet for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and all spices. Cook 7-8 more minutes, adding a splash of water as needed to prevent sticking. Cook until vegetables are just tender. Add lime juice and salt to taste.
2.Empty a can of refried beans into a pot or bowl, stir in 1 cup of salsa, and heat on the stove or microwave.
3.Meanwhile, prepare any other toppings you like (for example, mash avocado, chop cilantro).
4.To serve: spoon some hot refried beans into a corn or flour tortilla, top with a heap of fajita veggies, and add avocado, cilantro, hot sauce, and any other toppings.

Gluten-Free: Use corn tortillas

FODMAP Swap: Keep onions to less than 4 tsp a serving or swap for chives, green onion tops; avoid red peppers, use another color; use eggplant instead of mushrooms and under ½ cup serving of refried beans.

*Don’t forget to preload on veggies before you eat!


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