Kale Caesar Salad

caesar egg salad kale Jun 04, 2024
Kale Caesar Salad

Kale Caesar Salad
Serves: 6-8 • Total Time 40 minutes: • FODMAP Rating: Low

roasted chickpea croutons:
1 can chickpeas
½ salt
½ garlic powder
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

caesar dressing (makes 1 cup)
½ cup raw cashews, soaked overnight or boiled for 15 minutes
¼ cup water
2 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
½ teaspoon dijon mustard
½ teaspoon garlic powder
1 small garlic clove
2 teaspoon capers
½ teaspoon salt and pepper
1 bunch kale

Soak cashews in a bowl of water overnight, or for at least a few hours, or boil for 15 minutes. Drain and rise.
Roast chickpea: preheat oven to 400 F. Drain and rinse chickpeas. Place onto a large rimmed baking sheet. Sprinkle on the garlic powder, salt, and optional cayenne. Toss to coat. Roast for 20 mins then gently roll the chickpeas around in the baking sheet and roast for another 10 to 15 mins. Until lightly golden. They will firm up as they cool.
Prepare dressing: add the cashews and all the other dressing ingredients (expect salt) into a high-speed blender, and blend on high until the dressing is super smooth. You can add a splash of water if necessary to get it blending. Add salt to taste.
Prep the kale. Destem the kale and then finely chop the leaves. Wash and dry in a salad spinner.
Assemble: add dressing onto lettuce and toss until fully coated. Sprinkle on the roasted chickpeas and serve.

*Nut-Free: swap out cashews for sunflower or pumpkin seeds


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