Easy Tomato Soup with Toast

calorie density eat more lose weight fall meal fall soup gut health lose weight on a plant-based diet meal planning quickmeal tomato soup vegan meal Oct 11, 2023

Makes: 4 • Total Time: 15 minutes: • FODMAP Rating: medium

This tomato soup would pair well with Whole Grain Rolls (see Week 5) or with some sourdough bread. Add some color with chopped basil and a dollop of cashew sour cream.

1 red onion, diced
1 (28 oz) can of crushed tomatoes
1 cup water
2 teaspoon Italian seasoning
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon salt
⅓ cup canned light coconut milk (or 1/2 a block of tofu)
salt and pepper to taste
slices of bread, preferably whole wheat
optional toppings: basil leaves, cashew cream

Water sauté diced onion until slightly translucent and slightly soft.
Add crushed tomatoes, water, Italian seasoning, paprika, salt and coconut milk (for a higher protein and lower fat option, use tofu instead and blend the tofu with the water first before adding it to the soup) and cook over medium to high heat until heated through.
Use an immersion blender for a smoother texture or keep the onions as is. 
Add salt and pepper to taste before serving.
Serve with bread or optional toppings.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*FODMAP Swaps: Keep onion to under 1 tablespoon or use greens of leeks or scallions instead.

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