Vegan Mint Oreo Bliss Bites

energy ball energy bites Feb 13, 2024

Mint Oreo Bliss Bites
Makes 24 • Total Time: 15 mins • FODMAP rating: high

These mint oreo energy bites pack a lot of fiber. They are made with beans and dates, which are two very high FODMAP foods. Make sure to control how much is consumed in one sitting or else you will experience some not so pleasant side effects. It is the same reason why these bliss bites are perfect if you or your child are constipated. You will need a food processor to make them.

1 (15 oz) can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 ½ cups or 12 dates, pitted
¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
⅓ cup oat flour
⅓ cup mini chocolate chips
8 Mint Oreo Thins

Blend everything except the chocolate chips and oreos together in a food processor until it becomes a dough like texture. Then mix in the chocolate chips and crumble in the mint oreos and form into balls.

*Don’t forget to preload on vegetables before you eat!
*Bites can be stored in a container for a week or frozen for 30 days
*FODMAP Swaps: Start with just 5 dates (½ cup of dates) and ½ cup maple syrup or granulated sugar and increase date proportion as tolerated; limit bite servings to about 4 to 5 and increase as tolerated.

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